You searched for "quality of life"

14 results found

Quality of life measurement in amblyopia

This study aimed to explore the psychometric properties of the CATQoL instrument and to determine the ability of it to measure the impact of amblyopia treatment from a child’s perspective. A total of 342 children were recruited with analysis presented...

Quality of life after oculoplastic surgery

This is a literature review of published quality of life surveys in patients who have undergone a variety of oculoplastic procedures. The authors emphasise the importance of patient reported outcomes, noting that clinician and patient perceptions may differ, and that...

Quality of life scores in strabismic children

In this study the authors used the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (version 4.0) to evaluate impact of strabismus on health-related quality of life in Portuguese children. This was a prospective study of children aged 5–12 years over a nine-month...

Quality of life concerns after uveal melanoma diagnosis

The authors sought to investigate factors associated with Quality Of Life (QOL) after initial diagnosis of uveal melanoma (UM) using prospectively collected data between September 2011-May 2016. They included 201 participants referred for radiotherapy after UM diagnosis by an ophthalmic...

Health-related quality of life after cataract surgery

This prospective study evaluates the impact of cataract surgery on subjects’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measured with a 15-dimension generic instrument, the 15D. The HRQoL of cataract subjects was compared with that of an age- and gender-standardised sample of...

Quality of life of children and parents with and without a wide range of eye conditions

A prospective study collecting quality of life data from children with a wide range of eye conditions, as well as visually normal controls using the Pediatric Eye Questionnaire (PedEyeQ) between the ages 0 and 17 years. One thousand and thirty-seven...

Quality of life pre and post-op of adults with cyclo-deviation

The authors present a prospective cohort study of adult patients with a cyclo-deviation and associated diplopia due to have strabismus surgery during a five-year period. Two groups were formed depending on the type of surgery required whether this was targeted...

Effect of observation of intermittent exotropia on health-related quality of life of children and parents

The authors present the analysis of the Intermittent Exotropia Questionnaire (IXTQ) completed by the observation arm of a previously reported randomised controlled trial comparing part-time patching to observation. Children aged >5 years completed the Child IXTQ, and all parents completed...

Impact of surgery for intermittent exotropia on the health-related quality of life of the child and parent

The authors present the analysis of the Intermittent Exotropia Questionnaire (IXTQ) completed by children and a parent in a previously reported randomised controlled trial comparing two surgical procedures. Children aged >5 years completed the Child IXTQ, and all parents completed...

Change in psychosocial, quality of life and anxiety after strabismus surgery

The authors aimed to define the impact of surgical correction on psychiatric problems, health-related quality of life and anxiety levels in children and their parents. This was a cross-sectional study of 39 children with strabismus and their parents. All children...

Improved quality of life in children with allergic conjunctivitis and their parents with anti-allergic therapy

This prospective intervention study investigated the change in quality of life in child-parent pairs with allergic conjunctivitis (AC) on anti-allergic therapy. From September 2020 to May 2021, AC child-parent pairs and healthy child-parent pairs were recruited in Guangzhou, China. Children...

Impact of medical vs. surgical treatment on quality of life in glaucoma patients

The author recruited 225 patients across two sites and divided them into three groups. Group 1 medical treatment only, Group 2 surgical treatment only, Group 3 mixed medical and surgical (patients still on drops after surgery). They then used a...
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