You searched for "mydriasis"

58 results found

Intracameral mydriasis with Mydrane

The aim of this study is to evaluate the ‘real world’ experience in a UK setting for intracameral Mydrane mydriasis in routine cataract surgery. A prospective consecutive series of 60 patients (group 2) had intraoperative, intracameral Mydrane (tropicamide 0.02%, phenylephrine...

Advances in cataract surgery

This article covers recent clinical findings in mydriasis and anaesthesia for cataract surgery, shared by Sathish Srinivasan and Keith Davey at a surgical meeting in Manchester. Towards dropless cataract surgery Day case cataract surgery is the standard of care in...

Introduction of the Mydriasert insert at the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital

The authors report on a study to examine the effects of the Mydriasert insert on time, effects, patient comfort and tolerability at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. Mydriasert is an insoluble ophthalmic insert indicated for mydriasis prior to ophthalmic surgery, which...

Improving cataract efficiency: insights and learnings from expert practitioners

An evening surgical meeting sponsored by Théa Pharmaceuticals Ltd brought together leading experts to share insights and experience on practice strategies to enhance the efficiency of cataract surgery. Streamlining patient flow to optimise capacity and efficiency Qasim Mansoor, Consultant Ophthalmic...

The results of the last survey Oct21

This edition’s survey questions moved away from the deep and ethically charged questions of the recent surveys and focussed on simple and straightforward issues. This is really where the surveys began in exploring the minor practice variations which we have...

Avoiding investigations through history taking and examinations to differentiate serious from comparably benign aetiology

*Joint first authors. Introduction Anisocoria can be a sign of neurological deficit, necessitating numerous investigations [1]. This case report explores how expensive and time-consuming investigations can be avoided by thorough history taking and examination to differentiate serious from comparably benign...

Corectopia grading

The authors present a novel corectopia classification system using 28 eyes of 28 patients with or without corectopia. The grading and classification system for corectopia was as follows: (i) Direction of decentration: superior (DecS), superonasal (DecSN), nasal (DecN), inferonasal (DecIN),...

Streamlining cataract lists: how are you managing it?

Mr Jonathan Ross, in conversation with Ms Bita Manzouri, provides a personal perspective on challenges and opportunities shaping the future of cataract surgery services across the hospital eye service. Redesigning cataract pathways in response to COVID-19 Bita Manzouri: Over the...

A case of ipsilateral fourth nerve paresis and Horner’s syndrome

The author presents a single case report of an exceptional association between fourth nerve palsy and ipsilateral Horner’s Syndrome. The case is presented alongside magnetic resonance images (MRI) which reveal a mass in the right cavernous sinus. The 54-year-old woman...

Pupil abnormalities after orbital surgery

This is a retrospective review of 287 patients who underwent removal of an orbital cavernous haemangioma (cavernous venous malformation), to ascertain the incidence of surgically induced pupillary abnormalities. Forty-four patients had lesions removed from the anterior or extraconal orbit, none...

A log in the eye

"My friend wanted to show how far he could throw that log. So, he helicoptered it over his head, faster and faster and when he let go, it hit my eye at full speed,” a young lady of 19 years...

Oct/Nov 2014 Quiz

History 12-year-old cattle herder in Bangladesh. Loss of vision right eye – over 2/12 to no perception of light (NPL). B-scan showed choroidal thickening. Suspected to be choroidal ‘tumour’. Enucleated. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5....