Circus Starr are excited to be back in Edinburgh with another inclusive circus-inspired show!

Their annual indoor performances are held especially for local children who have disabilities and additional learning needs. This year both performances will welcome a British Sign Language interpreter for deaf audience members.



Unlike a commercial circus, the not-for-profit organisation adapts their event to suite their unique audience by lowering the volume, toning down the lights, and offering free tickets. This year also marks the first time that Sensory Packs are available for the area. After collaborating with Sensory Specialist, Joanna Grace, Circus Starr can help families prepare for the sensory changes they may encounter through their sensory story.

Ring Mistress Mariska Gandey is proud to present a brand-new show which features an array of circus talents. Bringing the laughter to the stage is Lukinha, a hilarious clown! And he won’t be the only one helping children make magical memories, as Nula Hula performs a sensory hoop act, and Sonny Caveagna amazes with his juggling skills!



Fundraising director Michelle Crossley is looking forward to the Winter tour. “We love sharing our magical art form with those who usually miss out, so we are really excited to be back on the road with another accessible show! Thank you so much to all the businesses who have helped us make a difference in their community.”

The community interest company relies on donations to be able to hold their inclusive events, and contact local business in each are they visit to see if they would like to cover the cost of a child’s ticket.

It is thanks to the generous support from companies in the town that the event can go ahead.

The performances will be held at 4.45pm and 7pm at Portobello Town Hall on Friday 2nd February 2024.