This week Fight for Sight / Vision Foundation released a report highlighting the acute experiences of loneliness among people who are blind or vision impaired.

The report, based on evidence gathered by Abertay University, found that blind and vision impaired people are three times more likely to experience loneliness or isolation than the general population.

Many research participants reported experiencing low self-confidence and self-worth, which caused them to withdraw from society, exacerbating feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Respondents reported that they did not see or speak to anyone for days, that they felt unable to take part in the things that had previously brought them joy and connection, and that they accepted chronic loneliness and isolation as part of life. One respondent commented: “You’re like the last human being alive.”
As a funder of projects and initiatives designed to improve life for blind and vision impaired people, we are already taking action to address the key findings of the report. So far, we have funded 18 projects totalling £480,000 and plan to do the same in the coming financial year. The work we have funded is increasing access to physical activity, the creative arts, and social connections, ensuring blind and vision impaired people have equal access to the things in life that bring joy, and prevent loneliness and isolation.   

Please read and share this report with your networks so we can reach the people who need support. By following us on social media you can find out about upcoming funding rounds and future events sharing further learnings.