Haag-Streit UK (HS-UK), the leading manufacturer and distributor of gold-standard diagnostic and surgical devices and instruments for ophthalmologists, optometrists, and orthoptists, is pleased to announce that Haag-Streit will be bringing together experts for Biometry Focus Month 2024, featuring a series of webinars covering key developments and insights in biometry.
Following Haag-Streit’s previously successful 'Focus Months', Biometry Focus Month 2024 will take place every Thursday (November 7–28). Featuring four live 60-minute Zoom webinars, spanning the most relevant topics in biometry today, this free event is packed with insights to help cataract and refractive surgeons gain complete confidence in their surgery planning.
This year’s expert speaker lineup features insights from esteemed KOLs Warren E Hill, Medical Director & Ophthalmologist at East Valley Ophthalmology, and Nir Sorkin, Medical Director at Tel Aviv Medical Center & Clinical Associate Professor at Tel Aviv University. These sessions are complemented by technical deep dives from Haag-Streit product specialists Abdo Jamal, and Thomas Beutler.
The comprehensive webinar programme is focused on how today’s cutting-edge swept-source OCT technology can help today’s surgeon make more informed choices for increased patient satisfaction. Subjects to be covered include the important role of topography and keratometry, helpful ways to determine candidacy for toric IOLs, and how to correctly diagnose and manage challenging eye conditions such as keratoconus.
The programme of webinars is as follows:
- Optimizing IOL selection – the Eyestar 900’s comprehensive solution for precision outcomes – Abdo Jamal, Market & Product Application Manager, Haag-Streit – November 7, 17:30 PM (GMT) Register
- Real-life experience with the Eyestar 900 – Nir Sorkin, Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Tel Aviv Medical Center – November 14, 18:00 PM (GMT) Register
- The Eyestar 900’s powerful Corneal Ectasia Display – identifying early ectatic changes – Thomas Beutler, Product Manager, Haag-Streit – November 21, 17:30 PM (GMT) Register
- Topography & keratometry for anterior segment surgery with the Eyestar 900 – Warren E. Hill, Medical Director & Ophthalmologist at East Valley Ophthalmology – November 28, 17:00 PM (GMT) Register
Attendees are welcome to attend all sessions. To review the detailed programme, or to watch the webinars on demand once the programme has commenced, click here.
Alternatively, please follow the registration links above to book each session directly. For more information on “Biometry Focus Month 2024”, please call Haag-Streit UK on (01279) 883807 or email info.unitedkingdom@haag-streit.com