Braille at 200: The code that changed everyday life
Frenchman Louis Braille was in his teens in the mid-1820s when he began developing the six-dot tactile code that enables millions of blind and partially sighted people around the world to access the power of literacy. Two centuries on from...
Royal Navy Veteran returns to cenotaph 50 years after first parade with Sight Scotland Veterans
John Finlay, 66, from Dalkeith, served as a Radio Operator in the Royal Navy from 1974 to 1979, stationed at the HMS Cochrane naval base in Rosyth. Now living with sight loss due to diabetes, John is marking an emotional...
Celebrating 225 years of seeing ability in parliament
This October, the House of Lords provided the venue for charity SeeAbility’s celebration of its 225th-year anniversary, with people it supports, colleagues, volunteers, funders and partners. They were joined by parliamentarians, including the Rt Hon Lord David Blunkett, who sponsored...
Glasgow-based eye surgeon, Dr Tim Lavy, speaks into new vision and new life for Mamadou
The moment a seven-year-old boy sees clearly for the first time has been captured in a video by the charity that gave him free surgery. Surgeons from international charity Mercy Ships believe Mamadou, who lives in Sierra Leone, would have...
Lifelong braille user pays tribute to “excellent” writing system
Sight loss charity RNIB Scotland is celebrating 200 years of braille, the revolutionary writing system for blind and partially sighted people. Developed by Louis Braille in 1824, it uses raised dots to represent letters, numbers, punctuation, and abbreviations. Braille has...
Bus driver swap sessions hit 50
Sight loss charity RNIB Scotland are marking their 50th ‘Swap with Me’ event with trainee bus drivers across Scotland this week. The hands-on sessions help drivers better understand the experiences of blind and partially sighted passengers. The sessions involve RNIB...
RNIB unveils Eye Care Support Pathway to transform eyecare support for patients
More than 100 people came together recently to back a new patient-centred approach to eyecare support. Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) which has taken the lead on this work, hosted an event at Aston University in Birmingham on...
Ellen aims to inspire a future focused on accessibility
Ellen Doherty, 47, who has macular degeneration due to Stargardt’s disease, became one of Scotland’s first Sight Loss Council volunteers earlier this year and is determined to inspire others to make accessibility a priority. Ellen and Callum Lancashire, Engagement Manager,...
“We’ve done it!” Blind London lawyer and boss climb 24 peaks in 24 hours for charity, SeeAbility
“We’ve done it!” Blind London lawyer and his sighted boss succeed in climbing 24 peaks in 24 hours raising tens of thousands of pounds for 225-year-old disability charity SeeAbility.
Nikolaos Koutris takes on half marathon to raise awareness for Sight Scotland and high eye pressure
Nikolaos Koutris, 37, originally from Greece and now residing in Edinburgh, has been inspired to run a half marathon for Sight Scotland after being diagnosed with high eye pressure.
Dumfries and Galloway teen thrives as volunteer after sight loss
At just 18, Finlay Anderson has already achieved so much. Preparing to embark on a new academic journey at the University of Edinburgh to study Law, Finlay’s path has been paved with dedication to advocacy and volunteerism, which he began navigating from a young age after losing his sight.
Leah takes a big jump to a better life with Sight Scotland
Leah Cameron, 22, who suffered vision impairment through an acquired brain injury, is getting ready to take a big jump forward to say thank you to the charity which has transformed her life.