COVID-19 and Charles Bonnet Syndrome
As COVID-19 rips through the country, it is – of course – imperative that we stay at home to try and prevent the virus spreading through the whole community. We are all aware of the need to take special care...
Setting up successful safe & efficient nurse-led intravitreal injection service
In September 2019, we organised a training course at Great Western NHS Hospital (GWH), Swindon, which provided presentations, discussions and hands-on wet lab experience on how to perform intravitreal injection using intravitreal assisted device (INVITRIA) for nurses and doctors from...
Designing ophthalmology services - Part 1: How do we address the queues in a clinic?
This first of a three-part series shows how systems engineering can be used to correctly diagnose and address the causes of delays in a clinic. The second article, which will be featured in the April/May 2020 issue, describes how to...
Management of DMO and PDR in 2019
An evidence-based approach to the management of diabetic macular oedema (DMO) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) in 2019 was outlined by Sobha Sivaprasad, UK, in presentations during the Diabetic Retina scientific session September 6 2019, at the 19th European Society...
Eye disease patients have more opportunity than ever to take part in NHS research studies
A new report highlights how 76% of UK hospitals now offer patients the opportunity to take part in studies of eye disease to improve research and innovation. ‘Ophthalmology research in the UK’s National Health Service: the structure and performance of...
My experience of the transition into a specialist orthoptist role
Michelle Dent discusses the process of transitioning into a new role and the pros and cons along the way. An opportunity arose for a permanent, full time, band 7 specialist role in the medical retina (MR) team in the Newcastle...