Event Details
Date: 28 November 2024 - 12 December 2024

Location name: London, UK

Location address: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Keppel St

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This course takes place in November/December each year on Thursdays and Fridays over 3 weeks (5 teaching days and one day for the written assessment). All sessions are delivered face-to-face for the whole day (09:30 - 12:45 and 14:00 - 17:15). Below are the dates the sessions will take place:
  • Thursday 28 November
  • Friday 29 November
  • Thursday 5 December
  • Friday 6 December
  • Thursday 12 December
A short summary:
The overall module aim is to introduce students to the scope of field research for eye diseases, and the range of skills required to undertake rigorous, scientifically sound, ethical research. This course is aimed at eye care professionals who are involved with, or aspiring to be involved with research projects and who wish to progress their skills around research question formulation, data collection, research output dissemination and to gain insight into ethical considerations in setting up research projects.
This course is typically taken by eye care professionals (ophthalmologists, Ophthalmic nurses, opticians or optometrists), eye health programme managers or researchers working in related fields who are aspiring to increase their research output, quality or understanding.