JOURNAL REVIEWED: Neuro-Ophthalmology

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Overview of traumatic optic neuropathy

The authors present the clinical features and role of various treatment modalities on the final vision outcome in traumatic optic neuropathy (TON). They retrospectively reviewed the records of patients with a diagnosis of TON over a four year period in...

A case of post-viral ocular microflutter

A number of eye movements disrupt visual fixation, one such movement being saccadic intrusions which are described as small involuntary saccadic movements. Among saccadic intrusions without intersaccadic intervals, ocular flutter and opsoclonus are prominent. When the saccadic amplitude is very...

Use of acetazolamide for symptoms of visual vertigo

Visual vertigo is a disorder characterised by symptoms of dizziness, vertigo, unsteadiness, disorientation and general discomfort induced by visual triggers. It is currently treated with vestibular rehabilitation therapy, with no effective pharmacotherapy options available for treatment resistant case. Oral acetazolamide...