AI & Oculomics - Section Editor
Arun James Thirunavukarasu has received research funding from HealthSense for work related to machine learning applications in evidence-based medicine.
Latest Contribution
General purpose AI: Transitioning from high performance in highly curated settings to useful applications in ophthalmology
Artificial intelligence (AI) may be understood as the ability of machines to perform tasks which otherwise require human perception, reasoning, or learning. With the advent of deep learning, AI has achieved remarkable results across a wide range of medical tasks...
ChatGPT cannot pass FRCOphth examinations: implications for ophthalmology and large language model artificial intelligence
Large language models are generating a lot of hype for artificial intelligence, but can they assist patients and practitioners in ophthalmology? Introduction Deep learning (DL) has emerged in ophthalmology as an exciting form of artificial intelligence (AI) most commonly applied...