See also Simulated ocular surgery and Simulated ocular surgery - strabismus surgery In this second article on ocular surgery simulation, we will discuss how vitreoretinal surgery can be simulated using high tech virtual reality modalities such as the Eyesi, as...
A national charity is asking ophthalmologists and eye health professionals to help them reach out to the tens of thousands of blind and vision impaired ex-service men and women who are currently missing out on vital support to help them...
NHS England’s failure to act is forcing hundreds of optical practices to close, with a direct and dangerous impact on the eye healthcare of patients in England during the COVID-19 crisis, the Optical Fees Negotiating Committee (OFNC) has warned.
The timing of glaucoma filteration surgery during the course of chronic progressive glaucoma remains a contentious issue amongst glaucoma specialists. The vast majority support the use of maximal medical treatment initially to achieve the target pressure. Surgical procedures are only...
Once again, I am grateful for the responses and read the results with interest. I am always surprised by the amount of practice variation I see. I fully accept there is art in what we do and there is no...
We are delighted to announce that Keeler has partnered with Frost Optical Services, a professional ophthalmic services provider known for their excellent service delivery.
Sight Scotland Veterans has joined forces with Cyrenians to transform the Walled Garden at its Linburn Centre in West Lothian into a therapy hub which can be used by veterans, families and the local community.
In this paper the authors review the current knowledge of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) tears. Although rare these can cause loss of visual acuity. They can occur spontaneously in pigment epithelial detachment (PED) due to occult choroidal neovascularisation (CNV), retinal...
Type 1 monocular elevation deficiency is a restrictive form identified by positive results on forced duction testing in elevation, normal elevation forced generation test, elevation of saccadic velocity and absence of poor Bell’s phenomenon. The authors aimed to evaluate the...
The glaucomas are a group of conditions characterised by optic neuropathy and associated visual field defects. Of these, chronic open-angle glaucoma (COAG) – diagnosed on the basis of progressive structural changes to the optic nerve head (ONH) and nerve fibre...
I am now most of the way through my ST3 year working in Plymouth, within the Peninsula Deanery. Before the start of the year, I was approached by one of my consultants who asked if I would like to carry...