Journal Reviews archive for 2023
Using a driving simulator to explore the effect of visual field loss from optic disc drusen
The purpose of this study was to compare driving simulator performance of participants with visual field loss (VFL) from optic disc drusen (ODD) with a normally sighted control group and a group of individuals with glaucoma. Data on performance and...
Can coenzyme Q10 have a protective role in ethambutol-induced retinal ganglion cell toxicity
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases, especially in developing or low- income countries. Ethambutol is a widely used drug to treat TB. Ethambutol can cause visual disturbance including ethambutol toxic optic neuropathy (ETON). ETON is one...
Sub-clinical detection methods in multiple sclerosis
Visually symptomatic multiple sclerosis (MS) provides only part of the required information to assist in understanding the disease. Recently, researchers have concentrated their efforts on diagnosing MS cases in the subclinical period. The aim of this paper was to assess...
Case report review of children with septo-optic dysplasia and optic nerve hypoplasia
Septo-optic dysplasia (SOD) and optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH) cause congenital visual impairment. Their aetiology is mostly unknown. The authors aim was to investigate the prevalence of specified ophthalmological features in patients with these disorders. These features included impaired visual acuity,...
Pupil abnormalities after orbital surgery
This is a retrospective review of 287 patients who underwent removal of an orbital cavernous haemangioma (cavernous venous malformation), to ascertain the incidence of surgically induced pupillary abnormalities. Forty-four patients had lesions removed from the anterior or extraconal orbit, none...
Bleomycin for conjunctival lymphangioma
This is a retrospective review of 16 eyes which underwent intralesional / sub-conjunctival injections of bleomycin sclerotherapy for conjunctival lymphatic malformations (lymphangiomas). The mean age was 18 (range three to 59 years). Four of the lesions were microcystic and 12...
Hydrogel expanders in the management of congenital anophthalmia
This is a retrospective case series of 11 anophthalmic orbits in eight children. Anophthalmia can result micro-orbitism, congenital fornix atresia, constricted socket, phimotic lids and reduced palpebral aperture. Expanders play an important role in improving the orbital volume and forniceal...
Outcomes from evisceration with primary implant in 1800 patients
This is a retrospective analysis of 1800 patients who had evisceration with orbital implant between 2013-2019. As the largest published series on this topic, the authors are able to give relatable real-world data on complications following surgery. They use a...
Prevalence of strabismus 10 years after infantile cataract surgery
The authors present a secondary analysis of the longitudinal data on ocular alignment from the Infant Aphakia Treatment Study (IATS). The details of the trial are published elsewhere. This paper focuses on the ocular alignment assessment at age 10.5 years,...
Surgical technique combining vertical transposition and horizontal plication for mixed deviations
A retrospective case series, assessed adult cases with horizontal and vertical strabismus who had undergone unilateral vertical transposition of the horizontal rectus muscles during a recession-plication over a three-year period. A single surgeon performed all 15 procedures. Postoperative measurements were...
Unilateral cataract extraction outcomes in older children compared to two studies with younger cohorts
The authors present a retrospective study of children undergoing cataract surgery between the ages of two and seven-years-old at one centre, over a 24-year period. Data including demographics, ocular history, ophthalmic findings, operative reports, adverse events, and record of re-operations...
Access to eyecare based on geographical location
The authors aimed to evaluate access to paediatric ophthalmology using geo-informatics (OpenStreetMap software) with the objectives being to calculate driving time between vision screening centres and eyecare providers (ophthalmologists or optometrists) coupled with mapping to demographic information and economic census...