Journal Reviews archive for 2018
IOL cataract surgery 7-24 months
The purpose of this study was to present the long-term outcome of IOLs in paediatric patients who received cataract surgery aged seven to <24 months. This was retrospective study with minimum follow-up of 12 months for 27 patients (28 eyes)....
IO overaction surgery
This study aimed to compare the effectiveness of two surgical methods on the correction of inferior oblique overaction (IOOA). This was a retrospective study of 99 eyes of 56 patients; 47 myectomy and 52 anterior transposition procedures. Mean age was...
Meta-analysis of HLA B27 associated acute anterior uveitis
A literature-based meta-analysis was carried out to look at the various clinical features associated with HLA- B27 acute anterior uveitis (AAU). After an extensive search of literature for HLA B27 uveitis was conducted, 735 results were obtained. Twenty-nine articles were...
Automated grading of diabetic retinopathy: is it possible?
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a frequent microvascular complication of diabetes and a leading cause of blindness worldwide. However, much of this diabetic blindness can be delayed or even prevented with timely diagnosis and proper treatment. For this reason, regular screening...
International variations in ROP treatment
A retrospective cohort review of 48,087 premature infants weighing <1500 gm between 24 to 27 weeks gestation, from 11 high income countries in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Finland, Israel, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tuscany (Italy) and the UK . By...
The effect of everolimus on retinal pigment epithelium and proliferative vitreo-retinopathy
The principal cells involved in proliferative vitreo-retinopathy (PVR) are retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE). Everolimus is a drug used in renal cell carcinoma which targets and inhibits a key regulatory protein in cancer (mTOR). In this study, the authors investigated...
CD40L activation of human RPE cells
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of reduced visual acuity in the elderly worldwide. The risk factors involved in AMD include smoking and diet, while genetics have been shown to have a significant role. Recently a link between...
Diagnosis of ocular tuberculosis
This review article provides an update on the methods diagnosing ocular tuberculosis (TB), the difficulties in making the diagnosis and makes recommendations to a more accurate diagnosis by combining the available diagnostic tests. Today ocular TB remains a presumptive clinical...
Medical malpractice in uveitis: a review of clinical entities and outcomes
This paper presents a retrospective review of malpractice verdicts, rulings and settlements in the United States. Twenty-five cases of uveitis-related litigation spanning 1971-2014 were identified from the database representing 2.3% of all cases. Forty-eight percent of the cases were infectious....
Capsular tension rings to reduce refractive shift
The study group aimed to determine whether the use of a capsular tension ring (CTR) can increase refractive stability in patients with implantation of two different trifocal intraocular lenses. This was a prospective, consecutive series of eyes which underwent refractive...
Cataract surgery in uveitis
This is a multicentre study of eight UK independent sites of patients with uveitis, undergoing cataract surgery between January 2010 and December 2014. A total of 1173 eyes were compared with a control reference group of 95,573 eyes from the...
Intraocular surgical training – is there any inter-procedural transfer of skills?
Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed surgery during ophthalmology training. This study aims to investigate how experience in simulated cataract surgery impacts and transfers to the learning curves for novices in vitreoretinal surgery. Twelve ophthalmology residents without previous experience...