Ophthalmology archive for April 2019
The Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion (PAEP) Edinburgh 1969-2019
In the early 1960s plans were afoot to create a new Edinburgh Royal Infirmary to replace the existing building which dated from 1870, it having replaced an earlier one dating from 1729. It was originally planned to build on the...
Newer generation IOL platforms designed for high-quality visual performance after cataract surgery
Expanding intraocular lens (IOL) capabilities provide broadening options, ranging from next-generation monofocal IOLs for basic cataract surgery, to specialised premium IOLs for lens-based presbyopia correction and astigmatism correction at the time of cataract surgery. Rod McNeil considers several newer alternative...
The ‘theatre of the mind’: Charles Bonnet Syndrome and Esme’s Umbrella
The founder of Esme’s Umbrella shares her experience with the poorly understood condition Charles Bonnet Syndrome and the creation of the campaign. Many years ago, when I was a young actress, I was in an American play called ‘Butterflies are...
Assessing everyday visual function in dry AMD – what matters to the person?
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the primary cause of blindness in the developed world and is accountable for more than one half of sight impairment registrations within England and Wales [1]. AMD is prevalent in people aged 60 years and...
A pituitary tumour from 1927
The author shares a clinical case from Edinburgh Royal Infirmary’s archives. It is not often in the course of a clinical career that one gets the opportunity to review a patient who had been treated by a pioneer neurosurgeon some...
Pituitary adenoma causing compression of the optic chiasm
A 21-year-old girl presented to her general practitioner (GP) with a three-month history of headaches, becoming more frequent and associated intermittent vomiting that did not improve with simple analgesics. There was a strong family history of migraines. She was initially...
Amnion-assisted conjunctival epithelial redirection (ACER): Enhancing stem cell transplantation treatment of total limbal stem cell deficiency
An exploration of Professor Harminder Dua’s recent work using a technique called amnion-assisted conjunctival epithelial redirection (ACER) to aid the success of conjunctival-limbal grafting procedures. ACER provides a refined way to use amniotic membrane (amnion), such as Omnigen® (NuVision® Biotherapies,...